- Lesson Details
- Instructor
- Eric Michael Wilson
- Subjects
- Modeling & Sculpture
- Topics
- Human Figure
- Mediums
- Oil-Based Clay
- Duration
- 10h 8m 50s
In this lesson, master sculptor Eric Michael Wilson demonstrates the entire process of sculpting a third-life scale female figure in clay. In this in-depth and unique lesson no part of the sculpting process will be skipped over or omitted. You will learn everything from working with sculpting tools and clay, to measuring from the life model, to carrying the sculpture to a beautiful refined stage. You will learn the practical, nuts-and-bolts techniques needed to sculpt the figure in clay with confidence and a clear sense of artistic direction.
- Sculpture House Roma Plastalina Modeling Clay – No. 1
- Aluminum Armature Wire
- Armature Stand
- Veritas Proportional Calipers
- Wooden Tools: Flat, Paddle, Curved
- Metal Scraper
- Rake Tool
- Kemper Tools Ball-End Tool
- Knife
- Palette Knife
- Princeton Paint Brush
- Loop Tool
- Kemper Tools Rubber Kidney Finishing Tool
- Plastic-coated Screen
- Weber Odorless Turpenoid – Turpentine Substitute
- Crescent Wrench
- Side Cutters/Needle-Nose Pliers
Beginner Friendly
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1. Lesson Overview
54sNow playing... -
1. An Introduction to Sculpting Tools
17m 42sNow playing... -
1. Taking Measurements From the Live Model
9m 14sNow playing... -
1. Preparing the Armature and Adding the Initial Clay Layer
10m 25sNow playing...
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2. Creating Basic Planes Throughout the Body
11m 27s -
3. Shaping the Planes and Building up the Forms of the Legs
9m 44s -
4. Creating the Base and Extending the Torso Length
11m 19s -
5. Building up the Planes, the Rib Cage and the Head
9m 51s -
6. Sculpting the Left Foot Into the Base and Shaping the Legs and Head
10m 24s -
7. Blending and Shaping the Forms and Checking Proportions
5m 13s -
8. Shaping the Torso and Smoothing Over the Back the Head
5m 13s -
9. Taking Measurements and Shaping the Legs Down to the Fee
8m 36s -
10. Refining the Rib Cage and the Skull and Developing the Face
6m 12s -
11. Adjusting the Scapula and Working Down the Back and the Legs
1m 21s -
12. Sculpting a Symmetrical Head
8m 0s -
13. Blocking in the Face
1m 30s -
14. Adding Features and Forms to the Face
1m 29s -
15. Beginning to Refine the Facial Features
12m 7s -
16. Inserting Wire Armatures into the Fingers
12m 6s -
17. Re-establishing the Primary Planes in Arms
12m 3s -
18. Creating the Left Hand and Adjusting the Back of Neck and Shoulders
10m 58s -
19. Adding Fullness to the Arms and Shaping the Leg
10m 14s -
20. Simplifying the Shapes and Volumes Created
9m 37s -
21. Introducing the Sanding Screen
9m 28s -
22. Building up the Entire Piece with Small Portions of Clay
10m 29s -
23. Blending and Connecting the Muscles of the Leg
11m 44s -
24. Developing the Left Leg
10m 35s -
25. Introducing the Turpenoid as a Solvent
10m 25s -
26. Blending the Forms of the Torso and Arms with the Screen
9m 41s -
27. Redefining the Gluteal Region
10m 34s -
28. Establishing the Connection of the Legs to the Torso
11m 29s -
29. Working into the Back to Define the Rib Cage
10m 13s -
30. Shaping the Smaller Forms of the Back
9m 37s -
31. Sculpting the Spine into the Back and Neck
12m 2s -
32. Touching up the Entire Back Side and Readjusting the Left Arm
11m 36s -
33. Fixing the Left Shoulder and Blending the Planes of the left Arm
10m 49s -
34. Adjusting the Right Arm and Working into the Right Hand
10m 13s -
35. Inserting the Wire into the Fingers of the Right Hand
2m 51s -
36. Redefining the Planes of the Fingers
10m 43s -
37. Shaping the Finer Characteristics of the Hand
12m 31s -
38. Shaping the Right Arm and Blending with Terpenoid
9m 46s -
39. Push the Gesture of the Left Hand with Planes
11m 55s -
40. Adding Wire to the Fingers of the Left Hand
4m 18s -
41. Modeling the Fingers of the Left Hand
5m 21s -
42. Finalizing the Forms of the Left Hand
11m 41s -
43. Using the Screen to Refine the Figure, Arms, Back, and Torso
10m 24s -
44. Redefining the Eyes and the Buttress of the Mouth
11m 33s -
45. Shaping the Characteristics of the Mouth
11m 9s -
46. Sculpting the Features of the left Ear
11m 42s -
47. Blocking in the Main Volume of the Hair
11m 44s -
48. Laying in the Secondary Structures of the Hair
10m 49s -
49. Modeling the Main Movement of the Hair
11m 53s -
50. Modeling the Smaller Forms and Flow of the Hair
10m 19s -
51. Blending the Hair with a Brush and Terpenoid
10m 12s -
52. Finalizing Minor Forms Around the Sculpture
10m 56s -
53. Developing the Secondary Forms of the Feet
11m 13s -
54. Creating the Final Forms of the Feet, Lower Legs, and Knees
10m 19s -
55. A General Refinement to the Whole Body
10m 17s -
56. Detailing the Face
10m 10s -
57. Establishing the Smaller Forms of the Body
9m 45s -
58. Adding the Smaller Forms of the Body
11m 47s -
59. Blending the Planes with the Finer Screen and the Turpenoid
9m 58s -
60. Sculpting the Final Finishes
11m 0s
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16182 Gothard St
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
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