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Modeling the Portrait in Clay Part 4: The Eyes & Nose with David Simon

Modeling the Portrait in Clay Part 4: The Eyes & Nose
Compare & Adjust Learn how to add volumes and check angles

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David Simon
Modeling & Sculpture
Anatomy, Head & Portrait
Oil-Based Clay
2h 42m 28s
Modeling the Portrait in Clay

Join internationally acclaimed artist, David Simon, as he teaches you his approach to modeling a three-quarter life-size portrait in clay.

You will learn how to build your armature, take measurements of your model, block-in the facial features, hair, and neck, and how to build relationships between them. David will also cover the materials and tools he uses, and demonstrate his finishing techniques.

This course is a comprehensive representation of the sculpting process from a few blocks of clay, a pipe, and a wire, to a finished portrait. 

David begins this lesson by comparing the sculpture with the model and identifying the major issues. After fixing them, he works on the eyelids, the eyebrows, and the eye-nose relationship. David shows how to add volumes where it’s needed and how to check angles. In the last part of the lesson, he focuses on the right side of the face. 

Beginner Friendly

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