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Drawing the Arm and Hand with Glenn Vilppu

Drawing the Arm and Hand
Learn Anatomy from a Master! Join Glenn Vilppu as he analyzes the structure of the arm

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  • Lesson Details
Glenn Vilppu
Anatomy, Human Figure
Colored Pencil, Pastel
50m 57s

In his human anatomy series, world-famous artist and instructor Glenn Vilppu breaks down the complex subject of anatomy for you with easy-to-understand diagrams and conceptual tools. In this lesson, Glenn analyzes the neck, breaking down the major forms as well as the anatomical components of bone, muscle, tendon, and subcutaneous tissue. You will gain a deeper understanding of the human machine and bring that understanding to your own work.


  • Faber-Castell Polychromo Pencil – Sanguine
  • CarbOthello Pencil – Black
  • Drawing Paper

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