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Danny Galieote Life Drawing Demonstrations 1 with Danny Galieote

Danny Galieote Life Drawing Demonstrations 1
See a Master's Approach to Gesture Drawing Danny Galieote demonstrates gesture drawing with charcoal and pastel pencil

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  • Lesson Details
Danny Galieote
Human Figure
Conté, Pastel
2h 23m 26s
Life Drawing Demonstrations

Our Daily Life Drawing Sessions are free timed reference videos that allows artists to practice figure drawing from images of life models. Now, we’ve taken this popular resource and put a new twist on them — demonstrations from your New Masters Academy instructors! In this installment, master draftsman and painter, Danny Galieote, draws along with you, working from Daily Life Drawing Sessions 1 through 5. Danny works with various drawing pencils on charcoal paper, sharing his thoughts on these poses and demonstrating the fundamentals of gesture and structure. To maximize your learning experience, we encourage you to work from the drawings sessions yourself first so that you can compare your drawing decisions with those of Danny.


  • CarbOthello Pencil – Capuut Mortum Red, Burnt Sienna, Titanium White and English Red Deep
  • Conté Drawing Pencil – Sepia and Black
  • Strathmore Toned Drawing Paper

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