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Advanced Head Drawing | Part 4: Expressions with Steve Huston

Advanced Head Drawing | Part 4: Expressions
Sharpen Your Head Drawing Skills Draw dramatic and fun facial expressions!

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Steve Huston
Head & Portrait
Chalk, Marker, Pen, Pencil
1h 27m 45s
Advanced Head Drawing

Master artist Steve Huston brings you his highly-anticipated advanced head drawing series. In the 4th installment, he shows you that the rigid and elastic parts of the face and head dictate their ability to move with a given expression. There are key points of the face that are pushed, and others that are pulled. Being mindful of the “marionette-string” features of the facial muscles allows you to emulate and exagerrate the expressions of your model in your drawings. Steve will do several demonstrations working from photo references, which you can find attached to this page.


  • Sharpie Markers
  • Colored Chalk
  • Conté Crayon – Black
  • Toned Drawing Paper
  • Waterman Paris Fountain Pen
  • Conté Drawing Pencil – Sepia