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Love your work! The roundness achieved in parts of the portrait are 🔥
Curtis! Great effort especially with a full and busy schedule. Maybe I will see you on discord for Master Mondays! Enjoyed your progress. Hope you continue with your art 🙂
I am doing the Chris Legaspi Techniques for a few reasons. It takes a shorter amount of time to create as it is more sketchy and less detailed, especially for a 100 day challenge. Because it is sketchy it gets me out of my accurate/detailed approach and forces me to be more loose. It is also good to practice tones. Meanwhile, I am going through the Russian Course – the cadaver cast. I have two more lessons to go through and then I can finally start drawing it which will take me back to the more structural approach.
Jan, thank you! You did a beautiful job as well! There are so many fabulous art people participating in this! Today’s Master Monday with Joshua made me understand it more, that copying/not copying thing- start thinking 3 dimensionally/xyz axis/draw through. Drawing like Glenn leaves me confused…what he does is masterful but I find it hard to understand at times, like Joshua said. So, the 3Dimensional analogy hits home a bit better. One day, I would hope to combine the accuracy of academic drawing with the drawing from imagination. That was a funny statement from Muggoslav…Sometimes, when all goes well, I start thinking I am a mini version of Da Vinci and visualize angels playing on harps in my head but then I am quickly brought back to reality.
Day 29_Cours De Dessin_No 66_Bernard Romain Julien_Master Monday/100 Day Challenge_ Done.
This was 10 hours. I could go on…since there are things that need to be corrected in this..there are certain points that are too dark/more defined hatching in some areas but go really tired/grapes at the bottom – the proportion is not right – they kinda look more like ornaments/ other grapes light is not right on them….and there there is the hands…shading was challenging on them…
Day 28_Cours De Dessin_No 66_Bernard Romain Julien_Master Monday/100 Day Challenge_ IN PROGRESS_part 1 (This is at 6 hours. 4 more hours to go – have to do actual cross-hatching, finish the rest, may adjust things – like the fingers. This was a very weird drawing. The proportions were weird and the hands were weird. Using this as part of my 100 day challenge.)
Nice work Jan on all the casts!
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