What is the 100 Day Art Challenge? (Start Here)

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge What is the 100 Day Art Challenge? (Start Here)

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    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Go there and start a new topic (bottom of page). 👍🏼

    No badges. No points.

    This sounds like a challenge I should undertake.

    No points.

    Ok… I’m jumping in on this Challenge.

    “Sandra’s 10 Brushstroke Challenge”

    My goal:  Everyday I will challenge myself to do an oil sketch in 10 strokes only.  This will cause me to stratagize beforehand, and hopefully just put down the most “necessary” strokes to capture my subject/idea. I am not putting any limits on subject matter.  My hope is that since the commitment is no more than 10 brushstrokes, I will not feel overwhelmed with committing to doing 100 of them!!! 😳😉🙂

    Danny AveryDanny Avery
    No badges. No points.

    My Goal, To become better at drawing hands. Ill draw at least one hand everyday in  different types of mediums (changing the medium every 7-10 days). Ive also created a instagram account to make it easy for posts at 100dayartist


    Danny AveryDanny Avery
    No badges. No points.

    I got started on this challenge 7 days ago so figured I would show what I have, I started with charcoal and chalk

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Great to hear you’re joining the challenge. Go ahead and make a new topic here and start posting: https://www.nma.art/forums/forum/challenges-activities/100-day-art-challenge/

    Tanya SannutoTanya Sannuto
    No badges. No points.

    I’m jumping in! One day Draw  it ,Next day Paint it! Fingers crossed I make it past day 2 😀

    Kelly JensvoldKelly Jensvold
    No badges. No points.

    I’ll give it a try.

    My self imposed challenge will be Kelly’s 100 Day Figure Drawing Challenge.

    I will practice figure drawing with graphite or ink on paper everyday for 100 days.

    I want to improve my ability to draw anatomy, drapery and shading.

    Let me know if I’m doing this right.


    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Kelly, welcome to the challenge. All you have to do it make a new topic here to get started!


    No badges. No points.

    I just stumbled on the NMA forum which is cool and I want to try this. I have the next five months to dive into my main 5 things which is anatomy portraits, figure drawing, color theory and perspective along with the fundamentals

    Maxine Schutter
    No badges. No points.

    I will use paint in any way, shape or form so as to get more comfortable with it for 100 days starting today.

    Beth BarnardBeth Barnard
    No points.

    I’d like to start the 100 Day Art Challenge to try to improve my observational, drawing, and sculpting skills. I’d also like to see if I can begin to draw or sculpt from imagination. Eventually I’d like to gain enough confidence to try the Russian Academic Drawing. If it’s a day when I have little time or energy, I plan to do those quick one minute sketches or make “robot” figures from my imagination, but otherwise plan to do portrait or figurative work. The piece I’m uploading today is from Day 1 and 2.

    Beth BarnardBeth Barnard
    No points.

    Day 1 & 2 of 100 Day Challenge

    Linn Dorthea Engja SigurdsenLinn Dorthea Engja Sigurdsen
    No badges. No points.


    •I want to do the 100 days callenge to learn good drawing habits.

    •I am now styding the course: A beginner’s guide to drawing. I am new to figurativ drawing, and I hope a challenge can give me motivation to learn more.

    •I want to draw householditems. To improve my obsevationskills, learn more foundatinon and understand 3D better.

    •I will use different kinds og medium. Pen, pencil, charcol or limepencil

    •I will draw 15-30 minutes every day.

    I hope good and stedy work will give me the progress I wish. And the feeling of mastering drawing better.

    No badges. No points.

    Consistency is the key. So decided to give 100days art challenge a try.

    Topic: I will draw human head or figure drawing for next 100 days daily

    Let’s get started!

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)

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