You are welcome Diane! One of the challenges of drawing the head (and the figure) is seeing the geometric shapes behind the skin. I can see that you have divided your 1/3s (forehead, browns to base of the nose, base of the nose to botton of chin).
Now you have to work on your volumes. I took the nose as an example, and have attached two sketches to help you out.
I have outlined the front plane of the head. I will be focusing on your nose. Because your light and dark tones are too close, the nose looks flat. If you break it into shapes, like the image below, you have a guide to work your tones. Following the light source.
I have painted the frontal plane again. You also have the bottom, side, top and back planes (as a cube). See how I have mapped the nose in different planes, so I have an idea of how the values are applied.
I hope it makes sense and helps you out!
Keep it up!
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