Rendering on Toned Paper

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  • #2865973
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
    No badges. No points.

    In this lesson, instructor Chris Legaspi will show you in three demonstrations how to utilize Prismacolor pencils to render on toned paper. You will learn to use the color of toned paper as halftones. Chris will teach you how he incorporates white colored pencils on the areas of highlight.

    This lesson belongs to the course An Overview of Rendering Techniques. In this 9-week course, Chris Legaspi teaches you a variety of techniques for rendering your drawings and paintings. You will learn to create lay-ins, mass in value shapes, refine, and render using different mediums. Whether you are working in pencil, conté, charcoal, watercolor, or oil paints, this course will help give you the skills and approaches needed for developing your rendering style.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

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