Paul’s 100 Day Challenge; Sketchbook

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Paul’s 100 Day Challenge; Sketchbook

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  • #1120032
    No points.

    Thanks so much Jan.

    I nearly quit when I had surgery and couldn’t use my arm for quite a while. I’m glad I went ahead and will soon finish this challenge. I’m definitely going to do another 100 day challenge, but I’m going to have to figure out a combination of things to work on that will keep me interesting and motivated. Even with the time off, I’m finding myself feeling a bit tired of the two aspects of the challenge I took on. I’m still very motivated, it’s just becoming a bit repetitious. In particular, I’d like to bring oil painting and charcoal rendering into the next challenge.

    Are you doing the challenge? I thought I’d seen you posting your work, but I just looked and don’t see your thread.

    Thanks again

    No points.

    Here’s my gouache study for Day 98. Took a few days off to spend time with my daughter before she went back to college. This isn’t finished, but I wanted to post before I missed another day. This is from a tutorial for painting boats and water in oils. Quite a different process in gouache. I still need to work on the sky and reduce the size of the glow of the sun.


    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Beautiful work, Paul, as always.  Love the light and water in this study.  I’d say it looks pretty finished!  I’m glad you are getting into the swing of things again.  I had to take a break last year around the same time as you due to a house move.  Things are settling down again to some extent, but I’ll have to move again in a few months.  I’m not going to drop the challenge or NMA.  I need to carve out a little time each day to pick up the pencil.

    Best wishes,

    No points.

    Thanks so much David. Your words are very helpful. I must say I’m struggling here at the end. I’m feeling quite burned out towards my original challenge areas. But I am drawing or painting every day, just not always something that satisfies my original challenge goals. Yesterday and today I just couldn’t get motivated to sketch in my sketchbook. Instead, I just wanted to paint. Did several quick studies. I’m posting one of them from today. Nothing exceptional. Lots of problems here but I was primarily working on paint application and blending after watching some of Steve Huston’s lessons. Lots to learn.

    This doesn’t count towards my challenge. Still two to go.





    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Hi Paul, Great strokes!  Love the muscular strong forms.  I think you sketched this pose before.

    There’s certainly a lot written about struggling for art.  I read that if your fingers aren’t hurting you aren’t drawing enough, but personally I think this is counterproductive.  Eventually, inevitably, burn-out ensues and people stop altogether, which is clearly not the goal.  I think it’s better to keep things relaxed.  I really need to start carving out a few minutes each day for art…

    Well done on your challenge – you are nearly finished!!

    Best wishes,

    No points.

    Thanks David. Good points you make. I agree that sometimes burn out can hit and it’s time to just take a few days off to clear the mind.The trick is to not let “a few days” turn into a few months or even years. I’ve been trying to mix things up by working with a variety of mediums. When I start my next 100 day challenge that will definitely be a big part of it. I think this first challenge went pretty well mixing gouache studies with ink and an occasional graphite study. They’re so different I think it helped me clear my mind and go after each medium after trying the other.



    No points.

    And yes, David, I’ve drawn this pose before. This model and Rajiv are my favorite male models. This guy regularly strikes poses that show the structure of the back muscles far better than most male models.

    No points.

    Here’s Day 99. Switching back to graphite for a change.


    André Girão TaufferAndré Girão Tauffer
    No badges. No points.

    Nice poses, and great job with lights and shadows in this last one!

    André Girão TaufferAndré Girão Tauffer
    No badges. No points.

    And you’re almost there! How exciting!

    No points.

    Thanks Andre. And par for the course I missed the next day when my last challenge should have been posted! Oh well, had an incredibly full day of appointments and errands and by the time I was through and could work on my challenge I was exhausted. Didn’t want my last one to be done when I was so tired I could barely keep my head up.

    No points.

    I sure want to thank everyone who’s commented on my challenge, offered suggestions and encouragement. It’s been a huge help and given me the feeling that I wasn’t quite so isolated during this blankety-blank pandemic.

    Okay, so here’s my 100th day. It’s ironic that at this late stage I’m beginning to figure some important stuff out that could have helped a great deal during the challenge. One of the main things I’ve discovered goes along with how important it is to get up and step back from my work. I do that more than I used to, but still no where near as much as I should. The thing I’ve become aware of is, if I will scan or photograph my image DURING the rendering process, then look at it on my computer screen, I will often see LOTS of things that are either wrong or that I’m approaching poorly, (value, composition etc). I’ve noticed this over and over again when I scan the final rendering and am about to post it and see lots of these errors. Yet, the next study I did, I still wouldn’t do this BEFORE I was at the finish stage.

    Well, this time, (my last study- it figures!), I actually did this. I’m going to post the photos I took during the rendering process. It really helped! I’m pledging to make this a habit, (along with stepping back from my work and looking at my work in a mirror), on my next 100 day challenge.

    Here are the four photos I took during the process, with the finish below. Still not thrilled with the end result, but I think I’m finding a process that’ll help me improve.



    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Congratulations Paul!!!

    Massive well done for seeing the challenge through, especially given your circumstances.  I’ve really enjoyed watching your studies evolve and seeing your work, very inspirational.

    What you say about stepping back reminded me of a technique I was told about years ago when I studied art as an 18 yr old (I’m now in my 50s).  My art teacher said to squint a lot at the page – nearly block out all the light to just see the rough forms. It gives you a way of looking at your work in an entirely new way.  You probably know this already, it’s a common technique.  I think it’s mentioned here on the NMA beginners class if memory serves.  Different to stepping back obviously, but related. Perhaps you could squint and step back 🙂

    You’ve inspired me to keep going… I’m going to pick up my pencil real soon, now the dust is settling on my house move….

    Best wishes,

    No points.

    Thanks David,
    I really appreciate your comments and encouragement. I searched through the posts and didn’t find your posts. I’d like to check them out. Hope to see you posting again soon. Moving is an incredible hassle! I’ve done it too many times. Good luck. I’m going to take a week or so to reflect on what my next challenge should be. Lots of things need work, I just want to find a good mix to keep me motivated and that will hopefully complement one another.

    Take care!

    No points.

    As I look at my last post I’m struck by how overworked and hatchy it appears. Water and sky can work that way but I really should go in and smooth out the ship and make it crisper. May give that a go this weekend.

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