Lucas’ 100 days of head drawing studies

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Lucas’ 100 days of head drawing studies

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    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Hello fellow artists. My name is Lucas and my professional goal is to work with concept art for games and films, mainly focused on character design, environment design and visual development.


    In order to do that, I want to improve my artistic skills as much as possible, starting with figure & head drawing.

    I started a bunch of NMA head drawing courses around a month ago and even though I had learned a lot, I’m determined to learn even more with this challenge.

    So, in short, my goal is to improve my head drawing skills, doing different focused exercises on a daily basis.


    Everyday I’ll engage in one or more of the following studies:

    – head proportions;

    – facial planes;

    – facial features;

    – anatomy of head and neck;

    – facial expressions;

    – master and photographic studies;

    – rendering;

    – draw from life and/or from imagination.


    Currently I’m watching classes from Vippu’s “Renaissance Head drawing” course, Chris Legaspi’s “Head drawing for entertainment Arts” and Steve Huston’s “Constructive Head drawing”. During the challenge I’ll be completing course’s assignments and also my own independent studies.


    I plan to draw digitally and traditionally, using photoshop when doing digital works. For the traditional studies I’ll use materials such as graphite, charcoal, pastels, colored pencils and toned paper.

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 01

    Today I’ve made some studies for the “head drawing for entertainment arts” course, with Charles Hu.

    These are the last assignments of the course, focusing on rendering and likeness. The goal was not to make fully rendered drawings though, but to analyze the influence of the structural forms of the head on the shape and edges of shadows, being able, at the same time, to achieve a nice positioning of the facial features.

    All drawings were done observing model photos and using photoshop

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 02

    Today my studies were focused on the planes of the head. I used Vilppu’s “planes of the skull” 3D model and some model photographs to understand key landmarks of the head as well as the general planes.

    For the next few days I plan to keep focused on this topic, trying to better understand the relation between anatomy and structural forms of the head and neck.

    Planar studies based on vilppu's model

    planar studies with actual heads

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 03

    Today I had not enough time to study as much as I wanted to, but I managed to start some eye region planar studies. As I said before, my current objective is to study the main planes of the head and also the planes of the facial features, starting with the eye region.

    I drew a diagram depicting the planes of the eye region and made two eye drawings from models, concentrating on the planes and structure. Tomorrow I plan to do more of these eye drawings and keep focused on the eye region planes.


    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 04

    I wasn’t able to post yesterday, so I’m posting the day 04 studies today.

    I couldn’t do what I intended to, but I managed to start the assignment for “Renaissance Head drawing” course with some 5 minute head drawings. This is the 6th week of the course and my first time using toned paper. The short time didn’t allow me to explore the paper to its fullest, but I’ll have the opportunity to do that in the second part of the assignment.

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 05

    Today I kept focusing on Renaissance Head drawing’s assignment, but this time the goal was to draw four 30 min poses in toned paper. The longer time allowed me to explore this paper in a deeper level.

    This’s been my first time using toned paper to make more polished drawings and I really liked the result, it’s really fun to use white to push the highlights. Even though I liked the result, I think I could’ve used a darker tone to make some accents.

    In these drawings I used FC Polychromos Sanguine and Conté à Paris White crayon.


    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 06

    Today I went through some eye focused studies. The approach was mainly structural, focusing on the planes and arrangement of the eye region.

    The upper drawings were done with graphite and white conté crayon. The lower 5 were done in photoshop.

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 07

    Still focused on the eye region. Today my goal was to study how different eye movements change the shapes around the eye, and turns out it really changes a lot. The eyelid shapes are really affected by the roundness of the cornea and the outer corner of the eye tends to follow vertical movements. In this type of movement the eye muscles also affect the volume of the upper/lower eye region, making them more or less prominent.

    For this study I worked digitally, analyzing photos at first. Then I made some drawings from observation, focusing on a structural approach.

    Kuangyan Huang
    No points.

    Good stuff

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 08

    Today I went through some more planar studies, starting to focus on the other facial features. I didn’t really spend much time on the exercises, but I mananged to begin the structural studies of the mouth, nose and ear.

    Also, I’m starting one more head drawing course! Anatomy of the head and neck with Ilya Mirochnik. Really excited with this one.

    On the next few days I plan to keep studying the structure and planes of the facial features, starting to give some focus to anatomy of the skull and neck as well.

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 09

    Today I have put the knowledge built in the last days to good use making some more studies of the facial features.

    I followed the same method used for the eye region studies.

    First I analyzed the structural forms and planes of the nose and mouth region, based on day 08 studies. After that, I used this knowledge to analyze photographs of the facial features of interest. Then, at least, I drew those features from observation, based on photo reference.

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 10

    Yesterday I did a skull study for Ilya’s Anatomy of Head and neck course. When I finished there was no good lighting, so I decided to post today.

    The goal was to draw the skull, focusing mainly on the structure and important bones, such as the frontal, parietal, zygomatic, etc.

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 11

    Today I continued the assignment for “Anatomy of the head and neck” course. As the last post, the goal was to study the structure and bones of the human skull.

    I had a really good time with these and I’m looking forward to the next steps of the course.

    I did two complete skull drawings for now, one in profile (yesterday) and another one in 3/4, and I feel that this exercise helped me to get more acquainted with the skull.

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 12

    Today I had kind of a day off, so I only did some quick 5 minute sketches using graphite and canson kraft paper

    Lucas LacerdaLucas Lacerda
    No points.

    Day 13

    Today I did some 5 min and 30 min head drawings for the Renaissance head drawing course

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 69 total)

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