Jean’s 100 Day Challenge Portraits in Pen/Graphite

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    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    Sketches for the day. Not happy with any of them. I guess it happens. Will continue watching Steve Huston’s course


    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Jean. I like your clear sense of form and light/shadow. Perhaps lightly sketching in your proportions and structure before you go in with more detail may help? Steve’s teaching is great. Enjoy 🙂!

    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
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    Hi Deborah. Thank you! I have taken your advice and did a sketch before going in with ink, and I think it helped a lot! I fixed many mistakes early on.

    This was for a challenge over on instagram called Draw This In Your Style. Did a lot of different sketches to plan the composition/angle and to get the proportions and facial structure correct. Definitely helped a lot!



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jean CarlosJean Carlos.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jean CarlosJean Carlos.
    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    A little sketch from memory to practice what I’ve been learning. Didn’t want to commit too much. I’m quite satisfied with how it turned out.

    Still watching Steve Huston’s course. At the pace I’m going I might finish by the end of next year!

    No badges. No points.

    Hi, Jean Carlos! Your drawings are great. I was going to choose one favorite but I really like all of them! Keep going!

    (If you try to submit more than one photo at the same time, they have to check them manually and it goes slower than normal. It has happened to me too. 🙂

    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    @Myriam Thank you! Haha, yeah I noticed way too late 🙂

    For today we have something a little bit different. I wanted to do another Draw This In Your Style challenge and this was the first one that I saw while browsing the hashtag #dtiys. Definitely something way different than what I’m used to, so I thought it would be fun to give it a shot.

    On the left is my version, on the right is the original.


    p.s: almost didn’t make it for the day! had to work later than usual (one of the downsides of working from home). it’s currently 4am. thank god it’s friday 🙂


    Ian Coltman
    No badges. No points.

    Hey Jean, these ink sketches are really nice and full of style!

    I can’t wait to see more!

    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    Thanks Ian!

    This is my sketch for this Sunday. It’s a portrait of Jonas, a character from Dark.

    p.s: I made a post prior to this one from Saturday’s sketches, but I forgot that uploading more than one image requires review so it will be out of order 😅

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jean CarlosJean Carlos.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jean CarlosJean Carlos.
    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    These are yesterday’s sketches. Just couldn’t get anything close to good. But I did watch the second season of Dark, so that’s something 😁

    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    Slow day today. Lost a little bit of steam, I think because I keep comparing myself to others. Which is dumb, but I can’t help it. Also, felt pretty tired today.

    Anyway, wrote down some notes on Steve Hustons course. Found a really cool pattern/rhythms with the cheek bones, the muzzle and the chin. It’s almost like I can draw a big circle for the cranium, which half of it turns into the cheek bones, halfway through each side if I draw an enlongated circle I find the muzzle and the same thing for the chin. With only that I can find all the other measurements/placements that I need for building the face (I guess).

    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    Trying to make a sketch before committing to ink. Feels very stiff, probably because I tunnel vision way too hard on placement of the features and not enough on gesture. If I had a little bit more time I would probably warm up with some 1 min head gestures.

    Ian Coltman
    No badges. No points.

    Hey Jean,

    Your style kind of reminds me of Sergio Toppi… your June 25th drawing in particular.

    Are you familiar / a fan of his work?

    No points.

    Hey Jean! Love how all your portraits so far have such variety! You have a great sense and look forward to seeing more 🙂

    I think if you have two+ photos in the post it takes more time to show up.  Ive accidentally posted doubles a few times already also 😛

    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Ian! Never heard of him, I’ll look him up! The only artists (old masters) that I know of that are famous for their ink work is Zorn and Charles Dana. If you know some more, feel free to share. In that drawing you mentioned I was just trying to apply what I learned from Chris Legaspi.

    @Aj thank you so much!

    For today I decided to study some hair styles. My visual library of hair is quite weak. When I practice drawing from imagination all my heads are bald 👨‍🦲 – i would like to change that!



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