Introduction to Perspective

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  • #2297668
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
    No badges. No points.

    In this lesson, instructor Erik Olson will introduce you to the basic principles of perspective. You will learn the common vocabulary used when plotting objects in perspective. Erik will teach how to observe the placement of a cube in one, two, and three-point perspectives.

    This lesson belongs to the course Perspective I. In this 12-week course, master draftsperson Erik Olson will guide you through the foundations of linear perspective. You will learn how to measure, plot, and problem solve using the principles of perspective. Then, Erik will teach you how to interpret perspective from photography and masterworks. You will explore how the Old Masters utilized perspective as a tool for visual communication. After completing this course, you will build a solid understanding of perspective that allows you to draft complex scenes and objects.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

    No badges. No points.

    How do I upload the assignment homework? Do I post it here?

    No badges. No points.

    Nevermind, I figured it out.

    Phéçale LAFIA
    No badges. No points.

    it is impossible to watch the videos. I stayed for minutes looking the player loading the videos. The first one starts but besides this one I can’t watch the other ones to complete my homezork amd I am already late.

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Im sorry to see you are having technical issue. Please send any information you can along with screenshots to “” and they will assist you

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    also can you try reloading the page by pressing ctrl+f5 ?


    No points.

    Have the same issue as LAFIA (on two separate occasions now) – video lesson streams fine for a while to a (seemingly random) point (on PC) and then stops loading and caching for some reason  – interestingly trying on iPad offers up the error “The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.” (The videos normally stream fine on iPad). Can still stream other course videos but perspective 1 ceases to work properly (with some video lessons streaming and others not loading)… reloading the page does not work… is this a server issue at NMA?


    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    please email “” with screenshots and any other relevant information, they can help troubleshoot any technical issue you may be experiencing

    eme zetaieme zetai
    No points.

    Having the same problem as Bart here. The only course where I have this problem. Any solutions?

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Eme, please email “” with screenshots any any relevant information you can gather

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle.
    Anne VanGarsse
    No badges. No points.

    Is this lesson meant to be the second course taken, according to the course guide?  In the drawing foundations module, after the drawing foundations 1 course, the next course listed to be taken is Perspective Drawing Basics.  The link there takes one to a live class which is not called Perspective Drawing Basics.  The Perspective 1 course is listed as the number 6 course to be taken ( I assume the order the courses are listed to be taken in on the course guide is intentional).

    So, what does one take after the Drawing Foundations 1 course?  The whole Perspective 1 course seems like quite a jump after Drawing Foundations 1.  Or is something shorter like either the crash course in perspective or Sidney Bornstein’s perspective course meant to be taken in place of  ‘Perspective Drawing Basics’?  Just not sure what to do next, and I want to follow the recommended course of study.



    Megan Pugh
    No points.

    I do not understand the station point flap. Why does flattening it matter? It seems you are still using station point aka you, to determine what perspective you are in. Is this explained in more detail later as to why it matters? Do I need to understand this fully at this point in the course? Still in week 1 videos. Thanks

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hey Megan, I asked Peter, the live stream mod for this class, and this was his response:
    “The station point is discussed continually throughout the course. The SP is the distance from your eye to the picture plane of the scene you are drawing, swung down in flat space. Establishing an SP in flat space is useful because it enables you to measure real angles from the SP that determines your cone of vision, measuring points and vanishing points, which all relate back to the perspective view you are drawing. It’s normal for this to feel confusing early on, but Erik is big on reiterating and reinforcing these concepts through discussion and practical demonstration. I think if you stick with this and follow along with the diagrams as well as integrating the concepts into your own practice, it will begin to make a lot more sense.”

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