Introduction to Illustrating the Figure and Facial Features

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  • #2858197
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
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    In this lesson, Ron Husband will introduce the topic of illustration and its connection to quick sketching principles. You’ll learn to draw hands, feet, eyes, and ears by breaking them into basic shapes and forms. Ron will teach you how to bring these drawings to an illustrated finish by using line weight, light, and shadow to describe form, while emphasizing proportions and perspective.

    This lesson belongs to the course Quick Sketching for Illustration and Animation. In this 11-week course, join legendary Disney animator Ron Husband as he takes you on an exciting journey through the art of Quick Sketching and its application through the disciplines of illustration and animation. Ron will teach you the importance of observation from life, helping you distill visual information into lines and basic shapes. You’ll explore methods to rapidly sketch people and animals using fundamental tools and principles of anatomy, balance, proportion, gesture, and storytelling. Ron will then guide you in applying these principles to bring your sketches to life through illustration and animation. This course is ideal for artists looking to enhance their sketching, drawing, and visual storytelling abilities.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

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