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  • #343995
    Kerrigan MaroisKerrigan Marois
    No badges. No points.

    Nice to be here. After not being able to afford more than 1 year of art school, I went out and became a 3d product designer, then graphic designer and finally web developer. The bug never left me however so here I am. I am extremely grateful to have a program I can afford. I have always been a self-starter, very motivated, but it was difficult to wrangle all the youtube tutorials to actually receive some cohesive education, something that has been sorely lacking since my departure from MCAD.

    It feels great to be back without the pressure that this needs to be a career, more of a personal goal and challenge to myself. Looking forward to working with you!

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Thanks for saying so and welcome to the community!

    We are stronger together so please share your progress!

    Brit TaylorBrit Taylor
    No badges. No points.

    I really would love to see some of your 3D art, rendering like that is really enchanting to me and it seems so modern and useful.

    Share, how did you get your job doing art? What got you in the door? I beg you!



    Brit Taylor

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Kerrigan 🙂

    I started to learn about drawing and painting through YouTube videos, but I too struggled with the lack of cohesiveness and structure. It was coming across NMA channel and watching the videos they have there that made me decide to sign up. Do you have any specific personal goals for your art? Which courses are you/planning to take this year?


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