female nude please critique

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    robert dixon
    No points.

    female nude

    robert dixon
    No points.

    elizabeth hone
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Robert,

    Not that i know a lot, but you could try thinking of your figures more in terms of boxes and cylinders to help build structure underneath the surface. It may help you feel the planes of the figure as well as bring the closer parts of the figure toward you and the push the further away limbs away from you.

    cheers lizzie


    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Nice work! I agree with Elizabeth.

    Overall, I would like to see mor construction and more of a sense of 3D.



    robert dixon
    No points.

    Thank you both for your comments. One will endevour to create something more three dimensional and post again. the construction drawing will be most useful. Boxes, cylinders and spheres.

    Regards, Bob

    Beth BarnardBeth Barnard
    No points.

    Hi, Robert,

    Just thought I’d mention that Glen Vilppu has some good videos on drawing gestures, circles, squares, and then cylinders to do figurative drawing. The cool thing in learning that (which I’m also trying to do) is that this technique allows you to create figures from your imagination. It also helps to study anatomy rather than solely drawing by what you visually see. I’m a novice at anatomy, too, but over time I hope to eventually do some anatomical drawings from the Russian Academic videos which I think will really help understand figurative drawings at a deeper level.

    Hope that helps,


    robert dixon
    No points.

    Thank you Beth,
    I have started the gesture drawing course with Mr Vilppu. The figure drawing course with Steve Huston is also beginner friendly and fun. I think it’s nice how they drop in little nuggets of anatomy along the way. The Russian stuff seems a long way away at the moment, for me. Might have a look at Rey’s anatomy.

    Regards, Bob

    robert dixon
    No points.

    elizabeth hone
    No badges. No points.

    Thanks for your comment on my post Robert

    your latest figure has 100 percent more volume  than the earlier ones . Well done


    robert dixon
    No points.

    robert dixon
    No points.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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