Deborah’s 100 Days of People and Perspective Drawing

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Deborah’s 100 Days of People and Perspective Drawing

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  • #898131
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Deborah ! It’s been a few months but I’m glad to see your artworks again. Your recent drawings and paintings are very precise and delicate. It’s lovely !
    Already 71 days in the challenge, that’s amazing too !

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Thanks for your kind words AJ.

    Hi Natacha! It has been a while! Thank you also for your kind words 🙂.

    Day 72: He’s gone 😢. I’m giving the journal to my mum and am drawing some tulips from her garden on the first page for her.

    D Harback 072

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Debbie H.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Debbie H.
    Gordan Knezic
    No points.

    I am sorry for your loss Deborah. I hope you find true meaning and sufficient strength to pull through these difficult times. Take care and stay strong.

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you Gordan. I appreciate it very much.

    Day 73:

    D Harback 073

    No badges. No points.

    I, too, am sorry for your loss. I hope your art will help you heal. Your botanical drawings are beautiful. You have great talent.

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you Jan for your kind words and encouragement.

    Days 74 and 75: I really want to finish this drawing, despite its not being the challenge subject I embarked on. Finishing it may yet be my goal for the remainder of my challenge, although November/December are very busy months, so it may not be achievable. There’s a lot more of the drawing than you can see here. It’s a slow project and so I’m posting two days’ progress today; seven hours work over two days. By the way, it’s not Melaleuca, it’s a Leptospermum species; part of the myrtle family of Australian natives.

    D Harback 075

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Day 76 & 77: Beginning a new section of the same drawing

    D Harback 076

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Days 78 & 79:

    D Harback 079

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Days 80 & 81:

    D Harback 081

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Debbie H.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Debbie H.
    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Days 82 & 83: In case it looks like I’m just ‘colouring in’, there’s an awful lot more to it than that. I’m constantly designing the micro-composition, adjusting for lighting and colour, checking for botanical accuracy etc. I love this slow, nuanced, very deliberate way of working. I wish I had more to show! I had to photograph under lights tonight.

    D Harback 083


    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Day 84:

    D Harback 084

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Days 85 & 86: Beginning work on another section.

    D Harback 086

    No badges. No points.

    Good job, Deborah. You have an interesting way of approaching things— methodical, maybe, like everything needs to be in its place, academic, scientific, and sensitive.

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you for your kind words Ian. That sums up pretty much exactly how I like to work!

    Days 87 & 88: I’m always redrawing this as I go, tweaking composition etc, but this section is in the process of complete redrawing, as I’d obviously not thought about the depth of perspective when I did the original drawing. That’s something I’ve learned through my time at NMA. The sections that come forward need to be larger and those that recede smaller, and that’s something I’m needing to be aware of in the process of the design. I’ve also realised that I have tended to draw this section more yellow than the other sections which have a bluer hue, so I’m going to need to calibrate the colour across the drawing too, before I go any further. All of this plus more, I am creating, not copying, so whilst slow, this drawing is pushing me in a number of skill areas.

    D Harback 088

    Debbie H
    No badges. No points.

    Days 89 & 90: A very busy few days = not much progress. A couple of hours a day minimum on these busy days. Forgive the poor quality night time photo.

    D Harback 090

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 162 total)

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