David’s 100-Day Challenge – Draw something, draw anything

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge David’s 100-Day Challenge – Draw something, draw anything

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 133 total)
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  • #1241555
    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 71.  Rendering/Value discussion with Steve Huston’s Basic Anatomy class. This brings me up to date with my daily work.

    Value discussion

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 72-75.  Catching up on some progress.  I’ve been sketching every day, but no time to photograph my work – one of the disadvantages of working with traditional media and lack of daylight.

    Sketches + Loomis figure

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Torso from Steve Huston’s class and three point line exercise.

    Torso + 3 point exercise

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 78,80,81.  Arms, shoulders joints, muscles from basic anatomy.  Conté pencilArms + shoulders

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 79.  First foray into coloured paper – really unusual but I enjoyed it.  I wasn’t impressed with my white pencil so ordered some different types.

    Shoulders arms

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 82, 83.  Arms

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 84, 85. Legs, knees.  All from Steve’s basic anatomy.Legs knees

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Ellipse exercise from Scott Robertson’s book.

    Ellipses from Scott Robertson

    No points.

    Hello David,

    I admire anyone willing to draw a self portrait, I find this impossible to do. I have done these exercises as well, found them extremely useful. I purchased a small drawing skull from an art store which I found helpful to improve portrait drawing.

    Nice work,


    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Thanks for the encouragement Susan.  I’m pretty rotten at them too really – I cheated a bit with that one and got the vague outline with a lightbox and tracing over a photograph – it’s a total wimp’s way out!  I had to do it a couple of times and even then I wasn’t happy with it.  I will have another go again using some more solid drawing principles this time around.  Maybe the Fialetti plates would help me!?

    Thanks for your comments about moving house – yes it’s been very disruptive actually and we’ll be moving again in a month or two but then we should be settled and have space.  I’ve got another 3 or 4 days’ progress to photograph which makes about 10 days left of the challenge for me – so hopefully that will be done by the time we move 🙂


    No points.

    Hello David,


    Don’t give up now, you are so close to the end of your challenge. I find copying very useful, I trace over lines from photos / other drawings to get a feel for the line.  Do you every try drawing larger? It seems most of your sketches are in a sketch book.  If you can, pick up a pad of newsprint (very cheap and my personal favourite to draw on, as it is very smooth surface) I think it will help with your figure drawings, as you will be able to get a bit looser. I also notice that you are doing mostly lessons, I think I slowed myself down by focusing too much on the lessons and not applying them more to practice. This is just something I noticed, when I started drawing more and trying to learn less, things went quicker. I think you have to evaluate if something is working more closely if you push yourself to draw something to some sort of completion.  I like to draw my breakfast, toast and coffee is a great subject. Anyway, nice to see how much you have completed. Keep going.

    take care,


    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Thanks for all the great suggestions, Susan!  Yes, this is mostly work from the lessons.  Will have to get more original!

    On the paper size I am extremely limited in size at the moment due to house moves and living in a tiny London flat with a ton of stuff!  I have a couple of large pads including newsprint, but they are in storage right now.  I’m looking forward to the final move in a month or so when I can decompress and set up a proper studio.  Large fluid strokes are coming one day!

    I haven’t given up by any means.  I don’t post every day as I tend to batch up my work and photograph several days in a row.  I’m on Day 92 now so only 9 days to go.  Will post my progress after the weekend.

    Best wishes,

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 87. Legs and knee joints.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by David CarterDavid Carter.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by David CarterDavid Carter.
    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day88. Elbow/Thigh analogy.Elbow and thigh

    David CarterDavid Carter
    100 Day Art Challenge Participant Badge
    No points.

    Day 89. pelvis and balancePelvis and balance

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 133 total)

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