Dane’s 100 Day Art Challenge(2nd Attempt): Portraits/ Head Drawing

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  • #674297
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    Day 12:

    Today I decided to focus on expressions, trying to envision the muscles at work under the skin.

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    Day 13:

    Today I decided to do a study of a European sculpture, using mostly a brush pen to explore using large blocks of dark value to indicate planes. I am trying to incorporate the planar approach more into my work, blocking in value areas, and then going back in to add detail within the shadows, if possible. Of course since this was an ink exercise, this level of refinement wasn’t really possible, but I did enjoy the chance to problem solve using designed graphic shapes.

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    Day 14,

    Two weeks in! Today I decided to focus on staging, using a barn owl as my subject. I like to study animals in addition to humans for my portraits, as animals sometimes provide us with the most unique expressions and poses. I like owls because of their unique head shape. I used a combination of a water soluble brush pen and a water brush pen for an ink wash/hatching combination. 

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    Day 15,

    Today I did some quick sketches in my sketchbook using some of the new reference photos. Sorry the lighting is so bad for these photos, but I’m just trying to keep them quick so that I have more time to practice! Here is one of Yoni that isn’t finished by any means, but shows some exploration of planes and tone. I really love the new portrait albums by the way!


    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    I really like that owl!

    No badges. No points.

    Thanks Joshua! There will definitely be more to come!

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    Day 16,

    Today I did a preparatory sketch for an editorial/celebrity portrait of actress Lily Collins in her role in the film Mirror Mirror. I do most of my color/painting work digitally, but I still like to draw in pencil or verithin so as to be able to move my arm more freely and capture the gesture and structure of the head. When I do my celebrity portraits, I don’t actually copy from a photo reference. Instead, I use the head construction skills I have learned here through NMA to create an approximation of the person’s head shape at the angle I wish to capture. I then consult photo reference for the nuances like the shape of the person’s eyes, nose, mouth, ect. I’ve found that this method gives me the ability to still capture the likeness, while at the same time creating my own new work of art. 

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    Day 17,

    Today I did some quick sketches from some of the new videos on portrait painting. I haven’t had time to really start the course yet but I’m sure looking forward to it!


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    Day 18,

    Today I thought I’d try painting a celebrity portrait in procreate just for fun. I usually do my drawings in pencil before hand, but this time I used some of the pencil brushes in the app to do the drawing. I treated it like traditional media, however, by leaving in the pencil lines and painting in digital gouache underneath. I exaggerated the skin temperature quite a bit because I love the way that the cheeks and nose can be used to add saturation to a portrait. The subject is Larry David. 

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Gotta love LD. The face looks a bit pinched towards the center to me.

    No badges. No points.

    I definitely see it! I’ve got to brush up on my box logic a bit!

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    Day 19

    I’m going to post 2 days worth because I will be away from my computer tomorrow! For today I focussed on switching up my approach, as I typically tend to focus more on the analytical method of building up the drawing from a construction, but I also want to work on my shape design and the ability to achieve a graphic read. I have a random celebrity generator website in my bookmarks, so that I don’t keep drawing the same people over and over. For all of these, I didn’t use a construction drawing at all, instead using a high value copic marker to lay in a characteristic head shape. In the case of the Zendaya one, I did the same thing only with a water colour wash, carefully adding a little bit of warmth to the cheek area for a softer plane indication. I actually really like the Michael Jordan one not so much as an accurate portrayal, but more because its so different than what I normally do, in that there is very little linework, and most of the indication is done through value shapes. I used a little bit of white chalk to try and bring up the value a bit because I chose a copic that was way too dark at first. Learning new lessons every day!

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    Day 20,

    I did some extra work today in lieu of tomorrow, this time working on a miscellaneous page of head constructions, plane exploration, likenesses, ect. For the Tony Soprano one, I tried to really put myself into Sargent mode, and treat the shadows as large masses on an egg shape. I wanted to keep these studies quick, so I used Mark Westermoe’s method of laying in the shadow shapes with mid value at first, later to be refined if I wanted to take this drawing further. I love this approach because it helps to identify the light and shadow separation, while at the same time leaving some room for corrections, if necessary.


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    Day 21,

    Today I decided to do some timed head quick sketches from a Draw This! Friday Night Figure Drawing Session on Youtube. I used a chunky dollar store ballpoint pen so as to stay focused on quickly trying to capture the position of the head. 

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    Day 22,

    Today I decided to step outside my comfort zone and do a direct digital painting. I used some of Glenn Vilppu’s techniques from his earlier videos where starts with darker values and erases the form out of it. Of course, I just used a digital eraser tool, but since I mostly work digitally, I discovered that this might be a technique that I would like to use going forward. I then went back in to refine some of the shapes and values. This is nowhere near finished, but I kept it to an hour.  Painting isn’t my strong suit and I still struggle a lot with edge control, so I’m looking forward to following the new portrait painting course! 

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 128 total)

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