Hi Beth,
Sculpting portraits is, in my opinion, one of the greatest experiences. I’m so glad you’re doing it. The one thing I’d recommend is to look more at the profile view. The face feels flat, and regardless of ethnicity it’s rarely as flat as what I’m seeing here. Plus, I’ve seen this kind of error many times in my classes. So try to work more from the profile and 3/4 view than the front view, and remember that the face wraps around the head further back. I’ve done 2 draw-overs, one showing the planes of the face, and the other is an attempt at correction. What I mean by that is I drew some lighter and darker areas as I would if I were correcting a drawing or a painting, indicating the form better. Basically, you need to pay attention to the lights and shadows on the sculpture because they are describing the form. This is why sculpture is so good, it really does make your drawings and paintings better.
Keep up the good work!
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