Basic Tools and Materials

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    Patricia A.M.Patricia A.M.
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    Hi all! My name is Patricia and I’m from Peru. My inspirations are editorial cartoonists around the globe like Nick Anderson, Quino, Chubasco, etc. I’m always looking for those artist who make social or political commentary with humor. My end goal is to become one and share a story in one panel shots. Beware of the pictures I’m posting bc I’m completely new to art 🙂 I’m also posting some shots of my work space and practice space–I live in a small apartment so full time work and art have to live together. Btw, the drawings are studies and replicas of drawings I’ve seen in the paper.

    ink and watercolor drawing

    ink drawing

    Remote work/art space in one spot. The easel is a hand me down

    Jeremy FriasJeremy Frias
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    Hi All!


    My name is Jeremy and I love movement and animation. Ryan Woodward’s video Thought of You (, Glen Keane’s Duet (, thatgamecompany and Matt Nava’s game Journey, and David Whyte’s poetry are some of my biggest inspirations.

    I’ve spent the last several months setting up my space slowly and gathering supplies. I just came off of Glenn Vilppu’s wonderful Drawing Essentials online course. Below are some pics of the space and some recent drawings.

    All the best on your journeys!

    SpaceSelf Portrait Feb 2022Croquis Cafe Figure Drawing

    Christina Freeman
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    Hi everyone! I’m Christina, and I just got back into art after a few years. I have been learning from YouTube and art books, but wanted something more structured. I have been experimenting with a lot of different mediums, and pretty much like them all. Here are some of my works based on different artists like Molly Harrison and Karen Campbell, among others.Based on Various Artists’ work

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    Hi all, my name is Rachel. I’m new to NMA. I’ve always been interested in art (especially animal/wildlife art) for as long as I can remember, but could not pursue it seriously and thus have really never achieved the skill level that I would like to have. I currently work as a bioinformaticist part time while caring for a 2 y/o full time, as help has been limited (and now absent). So I may have at most an hour a day to devote to practicing drawing, even though I’m fatigued all the time. So I’m definitely looking for ways to stay motivated as I’m sure there are many others out there in my same position. If you have any tips let me know 😉 Anyway, I’m looking to improve drawing skills and I thought taking this introductory course might be the start of the professional style of education I’ve always wanted. I’m also interested in sculpture (especially equine) and painting. If I could do anything in the future I would like to be a scientific illustrator. Not sure how likely this is at this point, but still fun to think about. In this respect some artists I admire are JJ Audobon, Peter Schouten, and Jim Kasper. I don’t have a picture of my “workspace,” but needless to say the same room has to function in a few different capacities at the moment. I also don’t have any recent work to show.  I guess the best example I can come up with is this sketch I did in 2016 that awarded me a little bit of money to go towards my research expenses in graduate school.

    fish sketch

    Jeremy FriasJeremy Frias
    No badges. No points.

    That sketch is amazing Rachel! Welcome and best of luck in your studies! It cam be challenging to find time and energy with so much else going on.

    Daily practice seems to work well for me, and the smaller the chunks, the better. That way there’s minimal inertia when starting a 15 minute session vs trying to find time to do 30 minutes or more under pressure.

    Happy you’re here!

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    Thanks for the feedback Jeremy. You’re right about having short but daily sessions. I’m currently trying to get traction doing daily practice like that. Right now it’s difficult for me to see how the drawing exercises build up to something bigger and better. It’s not as obvious to me as doing something like learning to play an instrument, or coding, where the beginning steps more obviously build on each other. So for now I just have to trust the process, I guess.

    Altaira LeonAltaira Leon
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    Hello! Im so glad to join the NMA. It’s such a good-willed place. I feel so good since the welcome video. So many emotions. I’ve been into the art world since January 2021, sketching almost daily since then. My favorite media is watercolor. I decided to join this wide program, because it’s so complete and organized, and i’ve bought some courses before in isolated art topics, such as watercolor courses for beginner, drawing basics for beginners and so on, and everytime i feel more hungry of more, so that’s why im here, to invest my time on this beatiful world in a deeper wa. Not sure of where to share the pictures with the materials for the course. I have almost everything. I lack the drawing board, not so sure of where to get it, but i have everything else i guess.

    Jeremy FriasJeremy Frias
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    Welcome Altaira!

    When you’re writing a draft of your post (like you already did), you’ll see a little image that looks like a picture of a landscape. Click that and you’ll be able to attach pictures to your post.

    No badges. No points.

    Hi everyone! My name is Claire, I’m 68 yrs old, and I’m so happy to have come across NMA!I always loved to draw, but was busy all my life working as a RN and raising my family, so I would squeeze in time now and then for a short art course or workshop here and there, but I longed for a structured art education. Now that I am retired and that my family is all grown up and on their own, I finally have the time to realize my life-long dream of going to art school! My favorite mediums are charcoal and oils, and I would love to learn watercolor. I want to start from the basics, and this course seems perfect for me, and so affordable.

    Unlike my grandkids, I wasn’t born with a cell phone in my hand, and so am a bit tech-challenged, and this being an online course, please bear with me if I ask some silly tech questions sometimes. Thanks Jeremy for your comment above; that was one of my questions – how do I post my assignments? Does anyone know if this is where the instructors will critique the assignments? I am posting a picture of my art room (I feel very fortunate to have a space I can dedicate to art), and a couple of my paintings. I look forward to this journey with all of you!

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    Told you I was tech-challenged – that was a painting of my grandson. I didn’t think it would come out that big. Here is a picture of my painting table…My drawing setup is on the other side of the room.

    Jeremy FriasJeremy Frias
    No badges. No points.

    Those are beautiful Claire!

    For instructor critiques, you’ll want to look into the live classes.

    There’s also a chat application called discord where you can share under the critique channel for fellow students to look at:

    (I admit that I am not tech challenged and still find the discord to be unwieldy myself.)

    Have you done an orientation yet? If not, that may be useful. I wasn’t able to find a link but perhaps you can email support and ask for a link!

    Dinette Boer
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    Hi everyone. My name is Dinette, from Colorado USA (born in The Netherlands). I dabbled around in drawing at various times in my life, but now that I am retired I want to get more serious with it. My interests are drawing (dry media) of still life, flowers, landscape, and architecture. My Studio

    Dinette Boer
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    And here is one of my “artworks”. It is in graphite and an exercise in patience.Firewood

    William Cherry
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    Ok, So This school was introduced to me by a Tattoo Artist and Traditional Art School graduate. I have been pretty stagnant in my artwork for many years and for many reasons. But a great slap in the face and poof here I am. I am looking to enhance the knowledge that I have from simply doing it. I would like to be able to understand and articulate my artwork better as well as solidifying my portfolio to my future career as a Tattoo Artist.

    Gerda Kromane
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    Hello! I am Gerda and I have wanted to learn to draw for years. Always didn`t know where to start and it was hard to stick with my goal.

    I am looking forward to this course and am ready to indulge in exploration of this new skill!

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 88 total)

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