100 Day Challenge: Heads and Faces-planes/structure/proportion

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  • #934558
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    Hi Mattias,

    I think you might already have the answer in your own work on how to improve the volumetric readability (is that a word 😅)

    If you for example compare the top left gesture done with the brush pen with the red one on the bottom left I think you can already find what you are looking for.

    I personally don’t mind the more roundish feeling you got in your gestures until this point but the way you made the corners of the rib cage, obliques/pelvis and knee more sharp than round gives the mentioned red gesture a more structural look where you can better differentiate between front and side plane.

    So I think it’s not much you are missing and you’re close to your intended look.

    Your Bridgeman studies look also really good but be careful being that angular while drawing a more subtle female model. I would maybe try to incorporate those techniques only in areas of landmarks which help to solidify the spatial orientation of the masses and keep everything else more soft. But it could also just be the proportions of the shoulders and legs compared to the waist that confuse me because they look female to me but like bodybuilding females 😅👋

    Edit: Oh almost forgot: Yes you did answer my question, thank you and it’s definitely an interesting topic 👋

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Christopher.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Christopher.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Christopher.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Christopher.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Christopher.
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    Thanks Christoper!! 🙏Your thoughts are greatly appreciated, quite good. I just know there are some areas on which my grasp of 3D structure are definitely lacking, but all with work.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Day 70: it’s too late so I gotta make this short but I was running low on motivation today unfortunately. These are some studies from lane draws on insta, sorry I didn’t check his name, but I’m sure you’ve seen his work, totally excellent. But I’m not too happy with these re creations, studies. Just wasn’t flowing, and the depth of these drawings is far beyond me.

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    Day 71: kind took it easy today, had some fun. Drew some Star Wars, yeeeessss. Lol. These poses are somewhere between 1-4 minutes I think. I did some more of Steve’s anatomy class, I really want to stick with this one, i think it could be super huge for me. I got a few things going so that’s good, hopefully we can get a good start to the week tomorrow!

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    Day 72: don’t know where the time goes. I worked a bit more on some perspective stuff, it’s pretty rough but here’s some. Don’t know why I just kinda fumbled about, here’s some drawing from Instagram, highly respect these instructors, I thought these drawings were fantastic so I attempted to study them a bit quickly, some misses lol. Some of these stomachs are wayyy to long, broke it haha.

    Meije DrawingMeije Drawing
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    We can see your progression trough those days, well done !! Seems that your lines are way more accurate and natural to give volume. Keep it this way, it’s inspiring !

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    Thanks Meije! I appreciate it, it’s encouraging to hear!

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    Day 73: didn’t get to draw tonight, so that’s unfortunate, just got some figure practice in, and boxes. Same issues as yesterday… this is pretty generic, very rough, not too proud of it, just exercises practically. And the yellow pen is… something new? Lol. Those first drawings with it are pretty rough in parts, that leg, actually all the legs, long torso. These are 1,2,5 ish mins. Just frustrating when it feels like you never can get past the warmup, draw something your somewhat happy with!

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    Day 74: not much to show, I didn’t have lots of time today, but I did do some lessons in Steve’s anatomy course so that was great. The focus was on the shoulder girdle. Can’t say I’m happy with these few drawings but oh well, I’ll definitely have more time tomorrow.

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    Day 75: 

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    Day 76: today was the final session of Marshall vandruffs bridgman boot camp eavesdropping 🙁 but it has been so inspiring and enlightening, I’ve learned so much, and leave energized to keep going! It was on light and shadow, so I’m working on giving it a shot lol. The pencil on top of the sloppy pen is quite 😬😬. The drawings on the first two pages are from Andriy Vynogradov, my drawings are very crude just trying to warm up, but he is an absolutely excellent figure drawer! Wow! All those highly dynamic and form emphasizing light and shadow patterns are like pure magic to me, not a clue how that happens! In time and study.
    i gotta try and do more focused faces with the pen.

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    Day 77: took it easy today, hard time getting properly motivated, so I had some fun, some doodling, I’m rusty at skulls, and giving horse portraits a shot haha. Really want to get good at horses.

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    Day 78: just having fun, loose figure sketching, the usual. the first three pages are loose studies of Joshua Jacobo’s Instagram drawings, master study right there! And the last in pencil is Will Weston, outstanding draftsmenship!!

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    Day 79: exciting drawing new things!! Not experienced with hands on their own or animals, but it was pretty fun!
    especially since it’s my hand! Some turned out kinda cool. There really is something added when it’s a real thing right in front of you. Need to draw and draw people in around more!! Get outta the house! Eventually.

    and foxes are fantastic. I’ve gotten lost adding pins to my animal Pinterest board lol. More to come. I don’t know anything bout animal anatomy at all, except for the rib cage lol! Definitely want and need to learn basic quadruped anatomy/construction, I’m basically just winging it. I’m sure you can tell lol. Gesture and structure can get you pretty far, though I have definitely taken my fair share of liberties.

    gotta keep mixing it up, trying new things. Really thinking about gesture and structure the same way on a figure or a hand, animal, tree, or Star Wars alien!

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    Day 80! Gotta sleep now,

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 193 total)

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