I want to start the 100 day challenge to work on drawing the human figure. I’ll practice parts of the figure, do some face sketches, and try to do whole figure renderings!
I’m not quite happy with the shadows and overall rendering, but I think the gesture turned out alright. Not quite sure how to render the face and hands yet
Day 5: Worked on another figure today, really helped show what I need to work on. I made my pose too stiff, and I lost the flowy gesture of my torso. Definitely need to work on knees and start drawing feet
Day 6: Practiced drawing a few knees and worked on getting the head to body connectivity more natural. Also tried to make things less stiff, still need to work on head’s proportion to the body though
Day 7: Didn’t have a lot of time today so I just focused on breaking down the meet into general shapes (and wow it’s already been a week! Time really flies!)
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