This is actually just the second larger figure drawing “projekt” i’ve done.
While I do alot of figure drawings, they are mostly gestual, and just linework, but I’ve recently decided to work towards more finished drawings.
Obviously it’s the Rendering/Shading (whats the right term?) that is the weakest part of the drawing and what gives me trouble. Im familiar with concepts for rendering, like thinking of plains etc. but nevertheless my shadows turn out unorganised and messy, i’ve got trouble organising values, and there is no distinguishing between cast and core shadows. So I welcome any advice/critique especially regarding rendering, and also any recommendations of lessons regarding this topic.
(Also, while I don’t want to blame the medium for the outcome, but it’s the first time I’m using nitram charcoal and i’ve felt they are really hard to control, maybe I’m using them wrong, I’m used to willow charcoal.)
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