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The Planes of the Head

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The Planes of the Head is a series of three amazingly useful analytical sculptures that break down the complexity of the human head into three cohesive layers each providing a new level of understanding to the artist. We include the female fleshed head, the NMA Planes of the Head and the Vilppu Planes of the Head. This is the ultimate resource for anybody who wants to improve their understanding of the human head.

Model Details:

Released: April 28, 2013
Model Version: 1.0
Credits: Designed and sculpted by Eric Michael Wilson and Joshua Jacobo with designs by Glenn Vilppu. Additional sculpting by Vladimir Goryachev.
Overview: An analytical break-down of the planes of the head with three layers. 1) The NMA Planes 2) The Vilppu Planes 3) The fleshed female head